Software Development Engineer In Test (Automation Test Engineer
Government Digital & Data -
Full-time (Permanent)
Published on
23 January 2025
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£57,670 - This post is eligible for a Digital Skills Allowance of up to £15,300 per annum
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Defence Business Services (DBS) DevOps Engineer - MoD - HEO
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Data Science Degree Apprenticeship Level 6 - GSS - EO
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DevOps Engineer - HSE - HEO
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Technical Architect Data Services and Analytics (DSA) - HO - SEO
£44,720 - £52,130 You may be eligible for an additional non-pensionable allowance, pending a Capability and Skills assessment, with a value of up to £12,680.
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Associate Test Engineer Level II - DWP - HEO
£37,497 - £38,373
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Senior Performance Test Engineer - DVLA - SEO
£42,848 plus an additional allowance up to £14,552
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Software Developer in Test - HM Courts and Tribunals Service - SEO
£41,463 - £52,040 location dependant. Offers above will be an additional GDD allowance based on experience.
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Lead Interaction Designer - DESNZ - G7
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National £41,463 - £45,276 London £47,657 - £52,040. Your salary will be dependent on your base location
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Senior Software Developer (LITE) - DBT - G7
London: £63,248 to £79,133 / National: £59,634 - £75,618 (including allowance)
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Software Developer - HSE - HEO
£36,235 - £39,611
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Software Engineer (Navy Aviation) - MoD - EO
£29,580 This post presently attracts a Market Skills Allowance of £3000 per annum
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Software Engineer - UK Export Finance - SEO
£46,085 to £57,685 (London) and £43,890 to £51,571 (National) A market supplement of 20% of the starting salary will also be payable.
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£56,344 - £62,590
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Senior DevOps Engineer - MoJ - G7
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£34,075 - £38,718
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Service Manager - Planning Inspectorate - G7
£59,644 - £66,120
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National: £56,353 London: £60,373 This post is eligible for a Digital, Data and Technology (DDT) capability based pay (CBP) allowance.
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Lead Infrastructure Engineer - DfE - G7
£56,353. This post is eligible for a Digital, Data and Technology (DDT) capability based pay (CBP) allowance.
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Lead Infrastructure Engineer - DfE - G7
National: £56,353 London: £60,373. This post is eligible for a Digital, Data and Technology (DDT) capability based pay (CBP) allowance.
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Senior Infrastructure Engineer - DfE - SEO
National: £41,458 London: £45,492 This post is eligible for a Digital, Data and Technology (DDT) capability based pay (CBP) allowance.
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Specialist Network Senior Infrastructure Engineer - DfE - SEO
National: £41,458 London: £45,492 This post is eligible for a Digital, Data and Technology (DDT) capability based pay (CBP) allowance.
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Head of Cyber Security - DfE - G6
National: £8,623 - £75,778 London: £72,182 - £80,260 and an additional £6,000 market supplement allowance may be available
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Enterprise Architect Cloud Solutions - MHCLG - G6
£77,257 - £83,230 (London), £70,644 - £76,608 (National) An additional digital allowance may be payable depending on the level of assessed capability up to £11,335
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AIX Group Head RCO - MoD - G6
£70,540 plus digital allowance may attract up to £18,000 based on results of your additional skills assessment.
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£56,344 - £62,590
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Senior Software Engineer - DVLA - SEO
£42,848 Plus an additional allowance up to £14,552
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Java Developer - HO - SEO
London: £48,720 - £52,130 National: £44,720 - £47,850 You may be eligible for an additional non-pensionable allowance with a value of up to £12,680.
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Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Developer - HO - SEO
National: £44,720 - £47,850. London: £48,720 - £52,130 You may be eligible for an additional non-pensionable allowance with a value of up to £12,680
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£44,590 This post may be eligible for a Digital Skills Allowance of up to £11,400 per annum.
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£72,664 - £89,995
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Technical Architect - HMRC - SEO
£44,110 - £47,664
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